Accreditation Overview for Cellular Therapies

Preliminary evaluation using current Standards for Cellular Therapy Services

Determine whether your organization's practices comply with the AABB Standards for Cellular Therapy Services.

Standards may be purchased in the AABB Store

View detailed information about accreditation and eligibility.

For a personal consultation email the AABB Department of Accreditation and Quality or call +1.301.215.6492.

Activities eligible for accreditation

Accredited activities include the following:

  • Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell (apheresis and bone marrow)
  • Cord Blood
  • Somatic Cell
  • Clinical Activities

Evaluate your facility(ies)

Evaluate your level of compliance with the Standards for Cellular Therapy Services. Ensure that there is a policy, procedure, or process for EACH element in the standards.

Become an institutional member

To become accredited, a facility must be an AABB Accredited Institutional Member (AI). A new institutional member must complete ALL of the steps in the Initial Accreditation Process before a formal accreditation assessment takes place.

  • Fees are based on volume and type of activity.
  • Complete applicable forms in STEP ONE.

Accreditation Tools

Use the member tools to aid in preparation of Policies, Processes, and Procedures (PPPS).

The Assessment Tool serves as a guide for sample items that assessors will be looking for to assess compliance. Other approaches may also be acceptable.

Preparing for accreditation

Review the links found in the Accreditation Guidelines in the Accreditation Member Tools.


  • Meet ALL eligibility requirements
  • Ensure ALL applicable standards for the activity to be accredited are addressed in program or facility's policies, processes and procedures.
  • Complete self-assessment for ALL activities to be accredited

On site assessment

Assessor(s) will be assigned to perform onsite inspection after ALL of the steps above are completed and reviewed by AABB Accreditation and Quality.

Facilities adding NEW cellular therapy activities

  • Facilities and programs that are currently accredited by AABB may request accreditation for additional activities.
  • The facility must go through the self-assessment process for the new activity
  • If the request for accreditation for an additional activity does not coincide with the facility's current accreditation cycle (quarter), a separate accreditation event can be initiated. All subsequent accreditation events will be coordinated with the facility's assigned accreditation cycle

Contact us

For more information on accreditation, email AABB Department of Accreditation and Quality or call +1.301.215.6492.